Comparison helps you to find the right combination

  1. 1. Select titles for comparison

    Browse titles by theme or use the versatile search possibilities that the pages present. Study the rate cards for the titles. You can also search for readership profiles of titles participating in National Readership Survey (NRS). Choose an interesting title for comparison directly from the list or the rate card page of the publication in question.

  2. 2. Select the data to be compared with each other

    The versatile range of search options enables you to compare such features as media data on the titles, advertising rates and readership profiles for titles participating in NRS. You can also limit your search by specifying the date of appearance of the titles.

  3. 3. Adjust the comparison

    You can specify the data to be displayed in the comparison more precisely and adjust them. You can also add new titles to the comparison and remove those you wish to.

  4. 4. Plan an advertising campaign

    On the comparison page you will find a calculator with the aid of which you can calculate the overall cost of your campaign. In the cases of the titles participating in NRS, you will also see the contact price and the encounter contact price.

  5. 5. Send data

    You can download the contents of the comparison in pdf or Excel format. You can also send a link to the comparison contents by e-mail. Attaching individual rate cards to an e-mail is likewise effortless.

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Comparison helps you to find the right combination