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Kodin Kuvalehti

Kodin Kuvalehti is one of the largest women’s magazines and the largest household magazine in Finland. Kodin Kuvalehti reaches those who make everyday purchase decisions nation-wide. Its readers decide what the family will eat, what will be bought for their home and where the family will go on holiday. They also invest in personal beauty and wellbeing and that of their loved ones. Authentic life, real people with real stories and various everyday passions resonate with readers in every issue. The magazine helps its readers to live a wonderful everyday life.

Magazine's website: http://www.kodinkuvalehti.fi Follow us :

Advertisement sales

Advertisement sales Sanoma Media Finland Oy
Phone +358 9 1201
Email yrityspalvelu@sanoma.fi
Contact person Mediamyynti Sanoma B2B
Www http://media.sanoma.fi/

Contact info

Publisher Sanoma Media Finland Oy
Visiting address Töölönlahdenkatu2
00100 Helsinki
Postal address PL 20
00089 Sanoma
Phone +358 9 1201
Magazine's email kodin.kuvalehti@sanoma.com
Vastaava päätoimittaja Minna McGill
Toimituspäällikkö Salla Stotesbury
Toimituspäällikkö Sanna Tyry

Circulation or copies

Issues per year 24


Readership 261 000
Total reach 374 000
How many times read 2.2
Minutes of reading 68 min
Sources KMT 2023

Online audience

Magazine's website http://www.kodinkuvalehti.fi

Average weekly reach Source: FIAM

February 2024
107 274
-8.01 %
January 2024
116 612
-33.4 %
December 2023
175 099
40.14 %
November 2023
124 949
18.5 %
October 2023
105 443
-2.38 %
September 2023
108 016
-35.68 %
August 2023
167 933
17.04 %
July 2023
143 483
30.35 %
June 2023
110 075
-11.51 %
May 2023
124 391
-9.66 %
April 2023
137 698
-11.01 %
March 2023
154 735
9.07 %

Average weekly pageviews Source: FIAM

February 2024
208 164
-10.36 %
January 2024
232 222
-32.44 %
December 2023
343 746
37.6 %
November 2023
249 817
-26.71 %
August 2023
340 853
24.06 %
July 2023
274 751
35.43 %
June 2023
202 878
-17.4 %
May 2023
245 601
-15.04 %
April 2023
289 062
-5.22 %
March 2023
304 966
7 %
February 2023
285 004
2.89 %
January 2023
276 988
10.08 %

Tavoittavuusluvut ja sivulatausten määrät ovat kunkin kuukauden viikkolukujen keskiarvoja. Viikot määräytyvät osaksi sen kuukauden lukuja, jolle suurempi osa kyseisen viikon päivistä osuu. Yksittäisten viikkojen luvut ovat nähtävissä FIAM:in julkisella viikkolistalla.


Issue Publishing date Reservation Material Research number Additional info
2 10.01.2024 11.12.2023 13.12.2023 Theme: Affordable food. Save on home expenses. Winter travel ideas.
3 24.01.2024 03.01.2024 05.01.2024 Theme: Winter food extra. Learn to concentrate better. Knitting.
4 07.02.2024 17.01.2024 19.01.2024 Theme: Home décor. Greenery. Fashion and beauty.
5 21.02.2024 31.01.2024 02.02.2024 Theme: Great reading extra. Bake yourself and save. Make your home tidy – the best tips.
6 06.03.2024 14.02.2024 16.02.2024 Theme: The gardening season begins. Good sleep. Easy and quick meals – take advantage of semi-prepared foods.
7 20.03.2024 28.02.2024 01.03.2024 Theme: Easter. Table setting ideas. Spring fashion. Local vacations.
8 03.04.2024 11.03.2024 13.03.2024 Theme: Spring floral splendor. Home vintage finds.
9 24.04.2024 03.04.2024 04.04.2024 Theme: The cottage season begins. Get your home's important papers in order. New barbecue ideas.
10 08.05.2024 16.04.2024 18.04.2024 Theme: Easy party meals – sure to succeed. Summer travel ideas.
11 22.05.2024 29.04.2024 02.05.2024 Theme: Fashion and beauty. Garden. Rules for life for a young person.
12 05.06.2024 15.05.2024 17.05.2024 Theme: The loveliest midsummer dishes. Holiday tips to Finland. Love stories.
13 19.06.2024 29.05.2024 31.05.2024 Theme: Adorable summer homes. Pancakes.
14 03.07.2024 11.06.2024 13.06.2024 Theme: Summer reading extra. Berry delicacies. Flea market tips.
15 17.07.2024 26.06.2024 28.06.2024 Theme: Preserve and save. Cottage activities. Late summer travel tips.
16 07.08.2024 10.07.2024 12.07.2024 Theme: Home in order. Harvest treats. Wellness tips.
17 21.08.2024 31.07.2024 02.08.2024 Theme: Enjoy the late summer garden. Everyday fast and inexpensive meals.
18 04.09.2024 14.08.2024 16.08.2024 Theme: Interior extra. Vegetarian food ideas. Autumn trips.
19 18.09.2024 28.08.2024 30.08.2024 Theme: Autumn food extra. Fashion and beauty. Feeling good.
20 02.10.2024 11.09.2024 13.09.2024 Theme: Knitting extra. Autumn books. Autumn work in the garden.
21 23.10.2024 02.10.2024 04.10.2024 Theme: First taste of Christmas. Crafts. Tame the polar night – best tips.
22 06.11.2024 16.10.2024 18.10.2024 Theme: Christmas baking. Fashion and beauty. Winter trips. Christmas books, games and gift ideas.
23 20.11.2024 30.10.2024 01.11.2024 Theme: Cozy Christmas atmosphere at home. Gingerbread ideas. Fashion and beauty.
24 11.12.2024 19.11.2024 21.11.2024 Theme: Great Christmas issue. Go-to Christmas recipes. Table setting and decoration.
1 31.12.2024 02.12.2024 04.12.2024

Advertisement rates

2/1 monikanavainen

Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 460 x 297 mm

4-colour price 23774 €

Erikoishinnat: Printti-ilmoituksen lisäksi 50 000 digi-impressiota kodinkuvalehti.fi:ssä.

2/1 monikanavainen

Position: First spread

Size including margin: 460 x 297 mm

4-colour price 27358 €

Erikoishinnat: Printti-ilmoituksen lisäksi 50 000 digi-impressiota kodinkuvalehti.fi:ssä.

2/1 monikanavainen

Position: 2. Spread

Size including margin: 460 x 297 mm

4-colour price 26164 €

Erikoishinnat: Printti-ilmoituksen lisäksi 50 000 digi-impressiota kodinkuvalehti.fi:ssä.

1/1 monikanavainen

Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 230 x 297 mm

4-colour price 12133 €

Erikoishinnat: Printti-ilmoituksen lisäksi 50 000 digi-impressiota kodinkuvalehti.fi:ssä.

1/1 monikanavainen

Position: 2. Cover

Size including margin: 230 x 297 mm

4-colour price 13536 €

Erikoishinnat: Printti-ilmoituksen lisäksi 50 000 digi-impressiota kodinkuvalehti.fi:ssä.

1/1 monikanavainen

Position: 3. Cover

Size including margin: 230 x 297 mm

4-colour price 13536 €

Erikoishinnat: Printti-ilmoituksen lisäksi 50 000 digi-impressiota kodinkuvalehti.fi:ssä.


Position: Back cover

Size including margin: 230 x 272 mm

4-colour price 11919 €


Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 112 x 297 mm

4-colour price 8169 €


Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 230 x 146 mm

4-colour price 8169 €


Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 76 x 297 mm

4-colour price 7097 €


Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 230 x 99 mm

4-colour price 7097 €


Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 60 x 297 mm

4-colour price 5983 €


Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 230 x 74 mm

4-colour price 5983 €


Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 112 x 146 mm

4-colour price 5983 €

Info about inserts

Prices doesn't include tax.

Technical data

Size mm 230 x 297 mm
Bleed mm 5 mm
Printing process Offset
Binding Adhesive binding

Printing house

Printer PunaMusta Oy , Tampere


Technical info / material

Ad material delivery Aineisto toimitetaan varauksen vahvistamisen jälkeen lähetettävän aineistolinkin kautta. Ilmoitusvaraukseen nimetty aineistontoimittaja saa aineistolinkin sähköpostiinsa. Aineiston jättöaika on aineistopäivänä klo 12 mennessä.
Technical data Valmis aineisto on PDF-tiedosto, joka sisältää kaikki ilmoitukseen kuuluvat elementit: tekstit, kuvat, grafiikat, ja fontit. Valmista aineistoa ei muokata lehdessä, vaan se julkaistaan sellaisenaan. Aineiston koko tulee olla sama kuin ilmoituksen koko, kokosivuissa lopullinen puhtaaksileikattu koko. Leikkuuvarat 5 mm ilmoituksen jokaisella reunalla. Leikkuumerkit on sisällytettävä lopullisiin sivutiedostoihin. Vältät tekstien leikkaantumisen, kun et sijoita tekstejä etkä muita oleellisia asioita (esim. logoja) 5 mm lähemmäksi puhtaaksileikkausta. Liimasidotuissa tuotteissa on otettava huomioon selän vaikutus aukeaman yli menevissä teksteissä. Normaalitapauksessa 6 + 6 mm vara riittää. Tarkemmat tekniset tiedot: media.sanoma.fi/suunnittelijan-tyokalut/aineisto-ja-varaustiedot/printtimainonnan-aineisto-ohjeet.

Readers: 261 000 / KMT 2023 Download magazine graphs (PDF)

Reader profile All 15+ % Kodin Kuvalehti
Readers %
Kodin Kuvalehti
Amount of readers
Readership (KMT 2023) 261 000
Total reach 374 000
SexWomen5184219 240
Men491641 760
Native languageFinnish9598255 780
Swedish525 220
Age15-24 y13410 440
25-34 y14615 660
35-44 y14923 490
45-54 y141539 150
55-64 y162257 420
65+ y2944114 840
Gender + ageFemale 15-29 years10615 660
Female 30-49 years141744 370
Female 50+ years2861159 210
Male 15-29 years1012 610
Male 30-49 years1437 830
Male 50+ years241231 320
Household positionLives at home with parents725 220
Lives alone282873 080
Lives with spouse3744114 840
Lives with spouse and children242154 810
Single parent225 220
Other325 220
Grandchildren under 18 years of ageYes212975 690
No3851133 110
No answer (under 45 year olds)411949 590
ProfessionTop Management4513 050
white-collar worker, higher-level161436 540
White-collar worker121436 540
Worker10513 050
Farmer112 610
Other entrepreneur325 220
Pensioner3146120 060
Student, pupil11410 440
Homewife, home dad012 610
Unemployed212 610
Other6513 050
No answer325 220
EducationElementary school5513 050
Secondary school7718 270
Vocational282770 470
High school141128 710
University of Applied Sciences191846 980
University273078 300
Something else225 220
Size of the household1 pers282770 470
2 pers3847122 670
3 pers141128 710
4 pers121026 100
5+ pers7615 660
Household income (gross)Below 20 000 € /y11820 880
20 000 - 35 000 € /y192154 810
35 001 - 50 000 € /y202257 420
50 001 - 85 000 € /y222257 420
85 001 - 100 000 € /y7820 880
Over 100 000 € /y9923 490
Don't want to tell5718 270
Can't say / No answer7410 440
Decision-maker in grocery purchasesYes9396250 560
Don't know7410 440
Can not say100
HousingApartment322873 080
Row house or semi-detached house151641 760
Detached house4749127 890
Farm4513 050
Something else112 610
Can not say000
Ownership of housingOwner-occupied residence7684219 240
Rented residence201333 930
Right of residence apartment237 830
Something else112 610
Can not say100
Cottage or holiday home in regular useYes4046120 060
No5953138 330
Can not say112 610
Using AdBlocker or similar applicationYes19923 490
No7685221 850
Can not say5615 660
Number of cars in householdOne car4549127 890
Two cars323283 520
Three or more cars10820 880
No car141231 320
PUUTTUU6763164 430
PUUTTUU412 610
PUUTTUU8820 880
PUUTTUU212 610
PUUTTUU8923 490
PUUTTUU5513 050
Advertising ban at the door / mailboxYes241744 370
No7683216 630
Can not say100
lifecycleIn paid job, entrepreneur, freelancer, farmer5245117 450
Temporarily absent (= time off from work, care or study, maternity leave)112 610
Retired3146120 060
Unemployed / laid off212 610
Schoolboy or student11410 440
Housewife or father012 610
In the military or performing civilian service000
Other112 610
Don't want to say000
Can not say000
Participation in workplace procurement decisionsYes252257 420
No252257 420
Can't say / No answer5057148 770
Health services used in the householdPublic health services8588229 680
Employer - funded health care services4942109 620
Private, self-funded healthcare services3949127 890
Private health insurance services221744 370
No health care100
Can not say100
Type of municipality (7 class)Greater Helsinki191744 370
Turku or Tampere8923 490
Oulu4410 440
70 000 - 150 000 inhabitants town131436 540
Urban municipality272873 080
Conurbation161539 150
Countryside131436 540
Pets in householdCat171539 150
Dog262565 250
Some other pet5513 050
No pets5962161 820
Family with kidsYes322565 250
No6875195 750
Use of glasses or contact lensesYes6781211 410
No331949 590
How often different content is read
The frequency of reading: Print magazinesDaily152667 860
5-6 days a week4718 270
1-4 days a week2639101 790
Monthly242052 200
Rarely23820 880
Never712 610
Can not say100
The frequency of reading: Magazine content in digital formatDaily211846 980
5-6 days a week5513 050
1-4 days a week191846 980
Monthly151539 150
Rarely242667 860
Never141744 370
Can not say112 610
The frequency of reading: Print newspapers or afternoon papersDaily3049127 890
5-6 days a week4615 660
1-4 days a week232360 030
Monthly13923 490
Rarely211026 100
Never725 220
Can not say100
The frequency of reading: Newspaper or afternoon paper content in digital formatDaily5455143 550
5-6 days a week9923 490
1-4 days a week161436 540
Monthly6513 050
Rarely91026 100
Never6718 270
Can not say000
The frequency of reading: Free and free delivery newspapersDaily5718 270
5-6 days a week4513 050
1-4 days a week4450130 500
Monthly171949 590
Rarely201539 150
Never9410 440
Can not say100
The frequency of watching: Free online TV servicesDaily151744 370
5-6 days a week91128 710
1-4 days a week302975 690
Monthly232154 810
Rarely151231 320
Never7820 880
Can not say100
The frequency of watching: Pay TV and streaming servicesDaily161231 320
5-6 days a week10718 270
1-4 days a week221949 590
Monthly10923 490
Rarely111128 710
Never3141107 010
Can not say000
The frequency of watching: Programs of YLE (national proadcaster) TV channelsDaily4560156 600
5-6 days a week9923 490
1-4 days a week191539 150
Monthly11820 880
Rarely12513 050
Never325 220
Can not say000
The frequency of watching: Programs of commercial TV channelsDaily3542109 620
5-6 days a week121333 930
1-4 days a week222154 810
Monthly11820 880
Rarely12820 880
Never7820 880
Can not say000
The frequency of listening: Programs of YLE (national proadcaster) radio-channelsDaily222975 690
5-6 days a week7820 880
1-4 days a week161641 760
Monthly131231 320
Rarely262360 030
Never161128 710
Can not say112 610
The frequency of listening: Programs of commercial radio channelsDaily161641 760
5-6 days a week10923 490
1-4 days a week211949 590
Monthly141333 930
Rarely212360 030
Never161949 590
Can not say100
The frequency of listening: PodcastsDaily425 220
5-6 days a week337 830
1-4 days a week9615 660
Monthly131128 710
Rarely282873 080
Never4147122 670
Can not say237 830
User frequency and following: Social mediaDaily5754140 940
5-6 days a week7820 880
1-4 days a week8923 490
Monthly337 830
Rarely6410 440
Never192154 810
Can not say000
User frequency and following: Bloggers, YouTubers, or social media influencersDaily13820 880
5-6 days a week537 830
1-4 days a week11718 270
Monthly8718 270
Rarely222462 640
Never4050130 500
Can not say112 610
User frequency: Instant messaging Daily6865169 650
5-6 days a week9820 880
1-4 days a week101026 100
Monthly337 830
Rarely337 830
Never81026 100
Can not say000
A paid Finnish newspaper is subscribed to my household (print or digital)Yes5872187 920
No412873 080
Can not say100
I tend to buy tabloidsYes81333 930
No9085221 850
Can not say225 220
A paid Finnish magazine is subscribed to my household (print or digital)Yes4659153 990
No5240104 400
Can not say212 610
I tend to buy single copy magazinesYes172462 640
No8174193 140
Can not say225 220
PUUTTUU5615 660
PUUTTUU7820 880
PUUTTUU151436 540
PUUTTUU8615 660
PUUTTUU737 830
PUUTTUU10820 880
PUUTTUU6718 270
PUUTTUU9820 880
PUUTTUU91026 100
PUUTTUU4718 270
PUUTTUU5513 050
PUUTTUU131641 760
PUUTTUU81231 320
PUUTTUU131231 320
PUUTTUU71128 710
PUUTTUU8513 050
PUUTTUU325 220
PUUTTUU5656146 160
PUUTTUU4042109 620
PUUTTUU225 220
PUUTTUU11820 880
PUUTTUU112 610
PUUTTUU251846 980
PUUTTUU225 220
PUUTTUU181641 760
PUUTTUU225 220
PUUTTUU4144114 840
PUUTTUU112 610
PUUTTUU6366172 260
PUUTTUU7820 880
PUUTTUU151128 710
PUUTTUU112 610
PUUTTUU5759153 990
PUUTTUU225 220
PUUTTUU141128 710
PUUTTUU112 610
PUUTTUU6568177 480
PUUTTUU5410 440
PUUTTUU6059153 990
PUUTTUU112 610
PUUTTUU302257 420
PUUTTUU337 830
PUUTTUU312052 200
PUUTTUU337 830
PUUTTUU303180 910
PUUTTUU225 220

Kodin Kuvalehti magazine's reader profile / Source NRS 2023

FPPA, Aikakausmedia ADS Oy, publisher or magazine are not responsible are not responsible for the information being up-to-date, or any errors that lead to compensation claims.The right to changes is reserved. The information of copies is an estimate, which is not guaranted.