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Parnasso is at the same time both a timeless and topical literary magazine, which tells about what is fresh in the classics and what is enduring in the new. Reflected articles that penetrate under the surface foam make the reader feel that this magazine appreciates their ability to think. Parnasso is written by Finland’s best writers and literary professionals, who offer readers nearly 200 expert book reviews a year and shed light on the background of the turmoil and phenomena associated with the book industry, present the authors, and open up the most rewarding literary discussions – not forgetting the sharp top columnists.
Parnasso is a magazine for readers and all professionals who are passionate about literature. The reader stays up to date on the literary discussion. A solid review department and sharp columns tell what is going on in literature right now. Carefully weighed essays sift through the most interesting classics, poems and short stories published in the magazine also show the direction in which literature is headed.

Magazine's website: http://otavamedia.fi/tuotteet/parnasso/ Follow us :

Advertisement sales

Advertisement sales Otavamedia Oy
Phone +358 9 15 661
Contact person Mediamyynti Otavamedia
Www https://yrityksille.otavamedia.fi/

Contact info

Publisher Otavamedia Oy
Visiting address Uudenmaankatu 10
00120 Helsinki
Phone +358 9 15 661
Magazine's email parnasso@otavamedia.fi
Vastaava päätoimittaja Matti Kalliokoski

Circulation or copies

Issues per year 6

Tavoittavuusluvut ja sivulatausten määrät ovat kunkin kuukauden viikkolukujen keskiarvoja. Viikot määräytyvät osaksi sen kuukauden lukuja, jolle suurempi osa kyseisen viikon päivistä osuu. Yksittäisten viikkojen luvut ovat nähtävissä FIAM:in julkisella viikkolistalla.


Issue Publishing date Reservation Material Research number Additional info
1 07.02.2024 15.01.2024 18.01.2024
2 10.04.2024 14.03.2024 19.03.2024
3 05.06.2024 13.05.2024 16.05.2024
4 04.09.2024 12.08.2024 15.08.2024
5 09.10.2024 16.09.2024 19.09.2024
6 04.12.2024 11.11.2024 14.11.2024

Advertisement rates


Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 376 x 248 mm

4-colour price 1970 €


Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 188 x 248 mm

4-colour price 1090 €


Position: 3. Cover

Size including margin: 188 x 248 mm

4-colour price 1210 €


Position: Back cover

Size including margin: 188 x 248 mm

4-colour price 1210 €

1/2 vaaka

Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 188 x 124 mm

4-colour price 740 €

1/2 pysty

Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 94 x 248 mm

4-colour price 740 €

Info about inserts

Prices doesn't include tax.

Technical data

Size mm 188 x 248 mm
Printing area mm 188 x 248 mm
Bleed mm 5 mm
Printing process Offset
Binding Adhesive binding

Printing house

Printer PunaMusta Oy , Joensuu


Technical info / material

Ad material delivery Varauksen yhteydessä mainostajalle/aineiston toimittajalle lähtee sähköposti sisältäen linkin aineistontoimitusta varten. Linkkiin sisältyy kaikki kampanjaan/varaukseen liittyvät mediat.
Technical data yrityksille.otavamedia.fi/tekniset tiedot ja hinnat

FPPA, Aikakausmedia ADS Oy, publisher or magazine are not responsible are not responsible for the information being up-to-date, or any errors that lead to compensation claims.The right to changes is reserved. The information of copies is an estimate, which is not guaranted.