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Puumies is the leading and highly respected journal in Finnish wood products industry. The readers of Puumies are decision makers and professionals working in sawmill industry, plywood industry, wood construction, furniture and joinery industries, forestry and timber trade. The readers are entrepreneurs, managers, directors, specialists, teachers, designers, researches and sales and marketing people. The coverage of Puumies ranges from forestry and bioenergy, through sawmill and further processing industry to furniture and joinery industry, timber and building trade and wood construction. Puumies also presents the latest news on research and development, logistics, education, fairs and events.

Magazine's website: http://puumieslehti.fi Follow us :

Advertisement sales

Advertisement sales Puumiehet ry
Phone 0401633011
Email toimisto@puumies.fi
Contact person Petri Puttonen
Www puumies.fi

Contact info

Publisher Puumiehet ry
Visiting address Keskustie 20 D
40100 Jyväskylä
Phone 0401633011
Magazine's email toimisto@puumies.fi
Päätoimittaja Hanna Luoma
Toimitussihteeri Hanna Kaski

Circulation or copies

Copies 2900
Issues per year 10

Tavoittavuusluvut ja sivulatausten määrät ovat kunkin kuukauden viikkolukujen keskiarvoja. Viikot määräytyvät osaksi sen kuukauden lukuja, jolle suurempi osa kyseisen viikon päivistä osuu. Yksittäisten viikkojen luvut ovat nähtävissä FIAM:in julkisella viikkolistalla.


Issue Publishing date Reservation Material Research number Additional info
1 31.01.2024 10.01.2024 16.01.2024 Theme: Sawmill industry, Education
2 04.03.2024 14.02.2024 20.02.2024 Theme: Joinery
3 11.04.2024 19.03.2024 27.03.2024 Theme: Logistics
4 15.05.2024 24.04.2024 30.04.2024 Theme: Wood products industry
5 17.06.2024 29.05.2024 03.06.2024 Theme: Wooden house industry, Building with wood
6 28.08.2024 07.08.2024 13.08.2024 Theme: Forestry, Environment
7 25.09.2024 04.09.2024 12.09.2024 Theme: Further processing
8 24.10.2024 03.10.2024 09.10.2024 Theme: Sawmill industry
9 22.11.2024 04.11.2024 08.11.2024 Theme: Wood products industry
10 18.12.2024 27.11.2024 03.12.2024 Theme: Christmas issue

Advertisement rates

2/1 aukeama

Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 430 x 307 mm

b&w price 2480 €

2-colour price 2880 €

4-colour price 4000 €


Position: 1. Cover

Size including margin: 210 x 297 mm

4-colour price 2600 €

Erikoishinnat: Etukannen yläreunassa 50 mm tila lehden otsikkopalkille. Takakannessa huomioitava postitustietojen alue 30 mm yläreunassa.


Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 210 x 297 mm

b&w price 1550 €

2-colour price 1800 €

4-colour price 2500 €

Erikoishinnat: Huomaa takakanteen tulevassa yläreunaan 30 mm tila postitustiedoille.


Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 103 x 297 mm

b&w price 1050 €

2-colour price 1300 €

4-colour price 1850 €


Position: Not specified

Size including margin: 210 x 148 mm

b&w price 1050 €

2-colour price 1300 €

4-colour price 1850 €

1/4 aukeama

Position: Not specified

Size excluding margin: 394 x 68 mm

b&w price 1050 €

2-colour price 1300 €

4-colour price 1850 €


Position: Not specified

Size excluding margin: 90 x 135 mm

b&w price 680 €

2-colour price 850 €

4-colour price 1350 €


Position: Not specified

Size excluding margin: 184 x 68 mm

b&w price 680 €

2-colour price 850 €

4-colour price 1350 €


Position: Not specified

Size excluding margin: 90 x 68 mm

b&w price 380 €

2-colour price 490 €

4-colour price 600 €


Position: Not specified

Size excluding margin: 90 x 34 mm

b&w price 160 €

2-colour price 250 €

4-colour price 350 €

Info about inserts

Prices doesn't include tax.

Technical data

Size mm 210 x 297 mm
Printing area mm 184 x 270 mm
Bleed mm 5 mm
Number of colums 4
Column width 43 mm
Printing process Offset
Binding Saddle-stitching

Printing house

Printer Keuruun Laatupaino KLP Oy , Keuruu


Technical info / material

Ad material delivery https://ads.aikakausmedia.fi
Technical data

FPPA, Aikakausmedia ADS Oy, publisher or magazine are not responsible are not responsible for the information being up-to-date, or any errors that lead to compensation claims.The right to changes is reserved. The information of copies is an estimate, which is not guaranted.