There are about 600.000 forest owners in Finland and the Aarre-magazine is targeted to them and all forest and nature enthusiastic Finns. There will be varied articles on benefits and recreational aspects of forest such as food, home decoration, building, well-being and managing your own economy. Each number will have the latest news on the forest markets and the latest research information.
Advokaatti is a professional journal for the members of the Finnish Bar Association published four times a year. The journal features current topics within the legal profession. Advokaatti writes about relevant legal and social themes, focuses on the legal profession of attorneys, introduces prominent persons within the profession and shares best practices and information about activities of the B...
Allergia, Iho & Astma
Allergy, Skin & Asthma is a magazine for the patients, health care professionals and anyone interested in allergies, skin (e.g. atopic skin) and asthma. Magazine is published 4 times in 2024.
Taget groups: Members of The Finnish Non-Commissioned Officers' Union, The Finnish Defence Forces
The leading publication on Finnish architecture. Establish direct contact with Finnish architects, urban designers, planners and experts, thinkers and decisionmakers in building, planning and design!
Arkkitehtiuutiset is a trade and news magazine for architects and landscape architects. The magazine is also read by real estate and construction professionals and decisionmakers. It covers news on topical issues in architecture, architectural competitions and other events in the field.
Avain is a neurological magazine published by the Finnish Neuro Society. Its primary target groups are people with multiple sclerosis or rare neurological disease and their near ones. Important target groups are also healthcare and social services professionals and policy makers. The magazine is valued as a trusted source of information among its readers. Avain provides timely and objective in...
Betoni is a magazine that introduces widely concrete architecture and structures, environmental and infrastructure construction, the latest information on concrete construction, research and development projects and the most interesting references from Finland and abroad. The magazine also presents the latest concrete art and design. The Magazine is designed for developers, designers and builders ...
Caravan is Finnish magazine specialized in caravanning. Caravan writes about everything what is in caravanners special interests: new models, accessories, technicat matters, maintenance, camp-sites, places of interests etc.
Diabetes magazine for persons with diabetes and for health professionals.
Diabetes ja lääkäri
Diabetes and Physician is a publication about diabetes care and diabetes research for health professionals.
Elintarvike ja Terveys
Elintarvike ja Terveys - Food and Health is magazine for professionals. Main topics are food security an control. The magazine's aim is to improve hygiene quality and minimize risks in all kind of food production. Every issue has a main theme.
The Finnish Movement Disorders Association operates for the benefit of people suffering from Parkinson’s disease, essential tremor, dystonia, Huntington’s disease, atypical Parkinsonian disorders, and from other movement disorders, as well as their relatives. We work in cooperation with member associations and their volunteers.
Hyvä Selkä
Hyvä Selkä magazine promotes spinal health and encourages people to take care of their spine. The magazine is published by The Finnish Spinal Health Association.
Lawyer's News - a neutral magazine and bulletin for lawyers. Lakimiesuutiset is published by the Associotion of Finnish Lawyers, the central trade organization of Finnish Lawyers. The purpose of the Association is to look after the social and economic interests of lawyers and associates in laws and promote their common aims.
Hunting (in Swedish), shooting, game management
'Kauppias' is a member magazine of the K-Retailers' Association. The readers include K-retailers, Kesko's management and Kesko employees holdin positions of trust in the K-Retailers' Association.
Kehittyvä Elintarvike
Kehittyvä Elintarvike is the only magazine in Finland that covers the whole food sector. The readers of Kehittyvä Elintarvike -magazine are specialists and directors in the food sector. They work in science, education, research & development, quality control, hygienics, purchasing and marketing.
Kehittyvä kauppa
Retail trade magazine. It promotes activities that make K-retailership a competitive asset for the K-Alliance and supports the implementation of the K-store values. A part of the Master Assistant Training.
Kemia-lehti is a professional magazine in the field of chemistry, which offers current information about companies, science, teaching and trade in the field. The magazine connects people in the field of chemistry and makes others interested in the subject.
Kiertotalouden erikoislehti Uusiouutiset
By means of Finnish Circular Economy News, the readers get a reliable, up-to-date picture of what is going on in the fields of the circular economy, recycling and waste management, and what the future perspectives look like. Moreover, Finnish Circular Economy News offers first hand information on professionals’ viewpoints, legal developments and events both in Finland and abroad.
The Finnish Library Journal is the professional journal for Finnish library people, the consumer journal for library users and the news journal that keeps decision makers up to date.
Magazine for animal husbandry & health.
The renewed Koneviesti magazine celebrates its´ 71 years anniversary and continues its´ journey stronger than ever as the true pro magazine about farming-, forestry- and contracting machinery. New fresh and modern lay out and well planned content offer the advertizers more attracting marketing plattform than before. 14 issues a year together with koneviesti and traktorpool.fi- sites forms a versa...
For landbuilding, forest machinery and peat producing enterprisers
For state and municipal officials
Käytännön Maamies
Magazine for professional farmer's.
Latu & Polku is the biggest outdoor magazine in Finland - over 130 000 readers per issue. Latu & Polku Magazine covers travelling, trekking, recreational sports, and outdoor activities.
The only bakery and confectionary trade magazine in Finland
Liha ja ruoka
Trade magazine for meatbranch
Linja-Magazine is the most widely read professional traffic services magazine in Finland, targeted at bus operators, traffic politicians decision-makers, stakeholders in the field, and enthusiasts.
Birdwatching, research and bird protection
Maatilan Pellervo
Agriculture, dairy farming, forestry
Maatilan Pellervo Eläin
Management and animal husbandry on meat producing farms
Maitotalous is a magazine for members of an association of employees in the dairy and creamery sector. The members have been trained for various roles in dairies and creameries and their associated laboratories and testing facilities. The contents of the magazine focus on matters with a bearing on the membership, news from the labour market as well as developments in the dairy and creamery sector.
The magazine in published by nongovernmental home economics organisation and it contains news and stories about home economics, family and human relations, enviromental matters and the organization.
Metsälehti serves as a specialised publication for forest owners and professionals, covering everything from timber trade to forest management, with expert insights and reports.
Metsälehti Makasiini
Published eight times a year, Metsälehti Makasiini is distributed to all Metsälehti subscribers and is also available for independent subscription or at newsstands. Targeting newer forest owners, often living in cities, it provides clear and relevant content on forestry topics.
Hunting, shooting, game management
Metsätrans covers everything and anything from forest processing to hauling wood. Topics of the magazine include legislation, traffic, news of the field of industry and novelties among other things. Focus group: everyone who works within industry or it otherwise interested about it.
Nauta, Cattle in english, is a professional magazine aimed at livestock farms. Nauta contains articles of dairy and beef cattle’s daily life, breeding, feeding, management, health, economy and environment. Nauta is a magazine for professional farmers who develop their farms and look to the future.
Specialist magazine for educators, which reaches all teachers from early childhood education to university
The magazine of Finnish Co-operatives
Trade journal of packaging. The magazine contains news and articles on all topics relating to products in business, packaging and supply chain.
Palokuntalainen (Contract Fireman) is a magazine for volunteer firemen and those interested in fire departments and rescue.
For people in fire, rescue and civil defence sectors
Plaani is a magazine concentrating on all important subsectors of electricity. It is published by the Association of Finnish Electrical Designers. The main target groups of Plaani magazine are developers, electrical planners, architects, constructors, officials in charge of municipal technical facilities and lighting, wholesalers and retailers in the electrical trade. Our readership includes also ...
Poromies magazine is a special journal for reindeer herders and interest groups. It is also intended for people who are interested in reindeer husbandry. Journal is published four times a year.
Puhtausala is an independent professional occupational magazine. It provides insight for Cleaning Service and Hygiene Industry to a broad interest group. It takes part to public discussion by increasing the value of practical cleaning work and knowledge of cleaning techniques. The magazine presents future trends in the industry, product and service innovations and long-term trends in the industry...
Cleaning Service and Hygiene Industry Trade Magazine puhtausTaito takes practical approach to many cleaning sector key themes from practical cleaning work to cleaning techniques to machinery and equipment and quality control methods. It introduces the latest surface treaments, materials and product solutions and gives insight to vocational training opportunities in the field, recruitment processe...
Property Maintenance Magazine puhtausTieto views management of different kinds of properties and premises at various stages of their life cycle and respective services available for these facilities from the property maintenance perspective. Key issues include property introductions, quality control methods, property maintenance services, waste and sanitation management, automation and digital sol...
Puumies is the leading and highly respected journal in Finnish wood products industry. The readers of Puumies are decision makers and professionals working in sawmill industry, plywood industry, wood construction, furniture and joinery industries, forestry and timber trade. The readers are entrepreneurs, managers, directors, specialists, teachers, designers, researches and sales and marketing peop...
Puutarha&kauppa is a trade journal with topical news and articles for everyone engaged in horticultural business. Puutarha&kauppa covers all branches of horticulture and is the leading advertising media for horticultural business in Finland.
Rakennuslehti is a news and trade journal launched in 1966. The journal is aimed at construction engineers employed as managers, designers and foremen in construction, graduate and nongraduate engineers and other decision-makers in the construction industry.
RIA magazine (published by Rakennusinseinoriit ja -arkittehdit ry) is a respected professional magazine in its field. It receives excellent ratings in reader surveys, the most recent of which (1/2023) says that the magazine reaches as many as 96 % of its target group. There are plenty of active people who read almost the whole or about half of the magazine. RIA magazine follows and presents the de...
Sairaanhoitaja magazine is the leading professional magazine for people working in nursing care in Finland. The magazine concentrates on professional nursing and development of working conditions. Sairaanhoitaja magazine is the membership magazine of the Finnish Nurses Association. Magazine has 44 000 readers. We are media that helps you to reach nursing professionals. We have got excellent feedba...
Siirtolapuutarha is the member magazine of The Federation of Finnish Allotment Gardens. The magazine is mailed as a member benefit to all the allotment gardeners of the federation's member association's and to supporting members. The magazine also serves as a channel for stakeholders, eg. public authorities and horticultural students. The magazine, which is published five times a year, illustrates...
Suomen Hammaslääkärilehti
Finnish Dental Journal disseminates new information regarding the field of dentistry, follows development of healthcare policy and related fields, provides an important forum for dentists, and is an official publication of the Finnish Dental Association. All members of the Finnish Dental Association receive the journal as a member benefit. The journal is also subscribed by other professionals in t...
Suomen Kiinteistölehti
Suomen Kiinteistölehti, (Fi. The Finnish Real Estate Magazine), provides insight for real estate executives, managers and professionals and board members of residential housing, who are responsible for maintenance and repair construction of real estate - as well as for active residents. The average monthly circulation is 32304 issues (2022) as well as regular thematic supplements. It is published ...
SuPer magazine - enriching work and leisure SuPer is a magazine for the members of the Finnish Union of Practical Nurses and it reaches some 90 000 readers each month. Roughly 95% of the readers are women with an average age of 40+ years. SuPer’s readeship is loyal: each issue is read for an hour on average, and readers stay with the magazine year after year. SuPer has 11 yearly issues both in pri...
The magazine of Finnish Heart Association. Sydän is a magazine for heart health and healthy living.
Sähkö & Tele
The task of Sähkö & Tele is to develop the different areas of electrotechnics, electronics and other areas in its field, to promote The Finnish field of electricity and electronics and activate its readers by informing them of events in the field of electricity and electronics and publishing news of products and personalities.
As the sector's most widely read newspaper, Sähkömaailma uses its over 35-year's experience to illuminate matters in the electrical and telecommunications sector and report on its events. The experts appeared in the paper include electrical and telecommunications contractors, electricians and telecommunications engineers, as well as antenna engineers while the subjects dealt with include electrica...
The magazine covers visual arts and the whole visual culture. Target readership consists of artists, academic people and general public.
Talotekniikka magazine is the number one magazine in its field. The magazine and its digital channels invite you to the front-row seat view to phenomena and developments in the building technology industry - and to the people, communities, projects and products behind them. Each magazine contains its own magazine-specific theme section. Talotekniikka magazine brings together the entire industry in...
Taloustaito Magazine – Personal Finance and Investment Taloustaito is the largest business magazine in the Nordics with a monthly circulation of 232 310 (2022, Finnish Audit Bureau of Circulations). Taloustaito focuses on personal finance and gives insight into taxation, family law, private investments, stocks and mutual funds, insurance, housing, cars, and property management. The readership i...
Tehy, the Union of Health and Social Care Professionals, is the major trade union for trained practitioners of health. Tehy has over 160.000 members, for example nurses, midwives, practical children's nurses, dental assistants, medical laboratory technicians, radiographers, practical mental health nurses, emergency medical technicians and ambulance staff. Magazine Tehy-lehti has 11 issues per year...
Member magazine of TEK - Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland (in Finnish)
Finnish Journal of Occupational Therapy.
Tunne & Mieli
Tunne & Mieli is a magazine about mental well-being and health in Finnish.
Työ Terveys Turvallisuus
TTT Magazine is Finland's only nationwide professional journal specialising in occupational health and safety, and work wellbeing. The readership consists of occupational health officials, occupational safety officials, occupational health physicians, occupational health nurses, occupational health physiotherapists, occupational health psychologists, occupational safety engineers, occupational saf...
Occupational health nurses
Vitriini is a professional magazine for corporate management in the hotel, restaurant and travelling sector. The readers are mainly decision-makers. Vitriini offers for advertisers a contact surface with over 10500 enterprises (45000 readers) in the sector - a direct contact with decision-makers. Alcoholadvertising is possible too
VOL is a journal of early childhood education for kindergarten teachers.
Ympäristö ja Terveys
Ympärisö ja Terveys - Environment and Health is an independent professional journal. Tha magazine focuses on topical environmental issues. Main themes are sustainable development, waste management, and sewerage, indoor air, noise reduction, environmental measuring instruments and analytics.
Ässä is a trade magazine read by 40,000 S Group personnel. It provides fresh information and background information on the business operations and HR management of the S Group and on wellbeing in general. The magazine monitors events and developments in the retail trade in Finland and abroad. Using Ässä your message reaches trade and service professionals, and it is a great campaign medium for new...